Dear ICE Melters,
For 7 weeks we’ve
been sharing a lot of incredible ideas. Now it’s
time to “bring the class home”. This week the focus will change to YOU.
What kind of work would you do in the future if you could do anything?!
If you didn’t have to worry about money, where you live, what your
parents want you to do, if you could just do what you really wanted to
do, what would that be? Please share that dream in THIS week’s blog below.
THEN ..... for next week’s blog START THINKING! What can you do right now,
right where you live, to start to make a difference? Find some problem, need, or situation in your school, or in the apartment
building where you live, or in your village or town that needs help. (It
does NOT have to be something huge or major. It can be something small.)
week you will be asked to decide on some project
that you can work on to make the world a little better. This will be our
work for the next 2 months (until Valentine’s
Day.) Each week in the blog you will share what you are doing, what
problems you’re having, and how we can help each other succeed.
Here’s an example. I’ve been concerned about stories I’ve read about people who, more and more, don’t want to help refugees out of fear—or out of feeling
that they have enough problems of their own. So last week I began to hunt
for organizations on the internet that are helping Syrian refugees. I’ve
written 3 of those organizations to ask if there is a way I can help
tutor the refugees who want to go to English speaking countries. If the
refugees have a way to talk to people in their new countries, I hope it will help build more understanding and reduce
Have fun! I can hardly wait to read your ideas!
ReplyDeleteIt’s a very hard question. I’m not sure really. I really want to be some kind of teacher. Maybe a teacher of little children.
But, actually, I think a better question is, not what do I want to be, but what do I want to change? To answer that I would say, I want to find a way to change people’s thinking [who hate or want to destroy] to live in better ways. So, actually, I would love to work in prisons and help people who are called criminals and who no one wants to help, just kill.
When we judge someone so fast we should just stop and think about it. Have we been in a situation that we can understand what happened to them? I can never be in their situation so I cannot judge them. The only thing I can do is be kind and try to understand what made them that way.
We have a saying in Afghanistan, “We are not made of stone. We are humans and so we can change.”
Thank you, Frozan.
Well I have not decide what I want to be in the future. What ever I became or wanted to do I want it to relate to helping other people, Not just my just myself and my family. I kinda want to be a commentator or reporter because I love soccer so much so that way I can have fun too and work. Beside that my dream is to be working with SOLA for my whole life and do what ever I can do for so SOLA to develop. As I am not sure that I have mentioned that to anyone in America yet that I really want build a hospital for poor people in my village. If I did not have money and I would love to live in my village it is beautiful and nice place for me and my family to spend time there.
ReplyDeleteFirst you need the opportunity to just try different things. If you try hard enough you will find a way to do what you really want to do or believe in. You will find the way to move forward. You need to not be afraid to try. With experience you will understand what is suitable for you. Right now, from everything I tried, I love boxing the most. I want to become a boxing champion, the best in the world and use the money from this to build my own medical firm to research how the body works and to bring together people who also want to understand this. I would bring together people who don't have money to study this but have the strong desire to study this. I want to be able to support other people's projects that they are doing to help people. There are many projects that are not finished because the people do not have enough money. I would also make competitions in school and reward the winners of the best ideas. So I think I want to follow bio-engineering and support such work. So this is my main goal to use all the money I can earn to help the world be healthier. If I can do something good, I must do something good. If someone asks me to help them, my "creed" is that I must help them in any way I can. The main goal is to help people, like the Red Cross, for example.
Ah..I wish i were young again and had such lovely dreams. I admire all of you for wanting to give back to the world. I was a teacher and I hope that I helped some of them to get where they wanted to go in life, but also I hope I helped them love themselves. I remember one boy had to get a certain score on a standardized test to get into the Naval Academy. He and I worked every day after classes, and he DID it!! He went on to fly with the Blue Angels, an elite jet fighter squadron. I was so proud.
ReplyDeleteNow that I am older I have only one wish. I would like to save someone's life. That sounds kind of silly, but I mean it. I'd like to be in a position where someone really needed help, and I was able to supply it.
I so enjoyed seeing all your faces. Hopefully, we will do it again.
point2: On a human rights aspect, you should prioritize refugees needs.
ReplyDeleteYour own people do not have as many human rights problems as refugees have.
In Article 14 of the United nations Universal declaration of human rights it says “ Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”
First off all Human beings should enjoy freedom of speech.
Refugees leave their homes and countries for many reasons. One of the reasons they leave is they don’t have all needs met that are important for a person's life. Before they leave their homes and countries,Some of those refugees have unskilled jobs and they don’t get payed well and some don’t even have a job. If they have an unskilled job that means everyone can do it so that is why they get payed less. One of the reason why some don’t have a job is because of a war that is going on or there is no job that can help them to afford what they need for living. If they don’t have money they can’t afford food, water, clothes and school supplies to send their children to school. They have water but the water that they use is not 100% drinking water. The clean water is far away from their house or the water is being sold in shops and they can’t afford it because they don’t have the money to buy clean water to drink. Also, when they are jobless they can’t buy the warm cloths and blankets for winter to stay warm. All of this is because of the war that is going on in their country.
Most importantly those refugees are in danger in their country and they are not in peace because of the war that is going on.The place that they live is not safe there is bombing every single day. Children’s can’t go to school because of the bombing that is happening in their villages or cities. In that situation their future will get destroyed by the war that is going on. Also if they go to other villages or cities still they won’t be safe because all of the villages are in the same situation as their own villages. The war that is going on in their country is because of ISIS. They don’t want the people of that country to get education or to be in peace.The ISis want to control the whole country. Coming into a peaceful country illegally is dangerous because those refugees could get killed in the way or get lost in the ocean.
A government should show the refugees support and buy them all the needs.Those refugees have the right to live in peace as other people in the world.
13.5 million people in Syria need humanitarian assistance.
4.3 million Syrians are refugees, and 6.6 million are displaced within Syria; half are children.
Children affected by the Syrian conflict are at risk of becoming ill, malnourished, abused, or exploited. Millions have been forced to quit school.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very difficult question. I would love to say that I really, really want to be the Minister of Women's Affairs of Afghanistan. I really want to help women and want the women to improve a lot. I want them to work the same as men and have the same rights with men. I want them to work with men shoulder on shoulder ( A Dari phrase).
But if I could do only one thing, I would like to build a mosque for women in my province Takhar. There are thousands of mosques in Afghanistan that are only for men. There are not a lot of mosques in Afghanistan for women. In some provinces we have some mosques for example, we have some mosques for women in Kabul province, Mazar e sharif, Herat......, but not all over Afghanistan. For instance, there is no women's mosque in my province Takhar. I would really LOVE to worship and go to the mosque everyday but I have never seen a mosques in Takhar. I have never seen any women's mosque in my whole life. It makes me feel sad. I would LOVE to make a mosque for women. When I make that mosque, I would LOVE to choose a Muslim woman's name. In Afghanistan, whenever someone builds a mosque, they choose a Muslim name for it. For example, they choose our prophet's name, Muhammad (PBUH), Ali, or Osman .... I would LOVE to choose Muhammad (PBUH) mother's name "Bi bi Amina".
How wonderful to read your thoughts about making a contribution to the world. I am a grandmother now. My children are both grown. In America parents often say they want their children to grow up to be happy. When I was a young mother I thought deeply about this idea of our children being happy. After much consideration I decided that trying to be happy is an elusive emotion and not something in itself to strive for. I wanted my children to know how to make a meaningful contribution to the world, that way they would experience a deep fulfillment and come to know happiness as a gift rather than something they felt entitled to.
ReplyDeleteFor many years I taught Shakespeare's theater to young people. During our classes, rehearsals and performances we discovered the power of poetry to touch the human soul deeply and in so doing we learned that words have enormous power.
My next contribution to life is to write a book. I am an artist and a writer. I am working to illustrate a book of essays about daily life and how art and writing can show us the beauty in a world that trembles with possibilities.
I love to learn, so every project I take on is a learning experience for me. I am learning so much from all of you and so I thank you for taking to time to answer Mrs. Jeannie's thoughtful questions.
I think that I would like to be an engineer who invents new and good stuff for people. I believe that the process of being an engineer would be hard for me to achieve, but I would like to take this challenge. My project would be helping athletic students to improve their math or chemistry. I know that after school they don't have much time to do their homework, because they have their sports to practice. I think with my helping they would get good grades.